Become a Crisis Leader Future Generations Count On

“I have repeatedly found that leadership is the single most crucial component of any crisis.”

Hi, I’m Ed. 

I wear a few hats–author, speaker, and crisis leadership coach. You could say my career in emergency management wasn’t planned–it found me.

Fueled by a fascination with extreme weather, my love of history, and medical response experience with the National Ski Patrol, I serendipitously landed with FEMA in 1989, staying with the agency until 2016. I loved working for FEMA (even during the difficult times). I feel honored to have served my country and privileged to have worked alongside many amazing people. 

Throughout three decades, I worked as a U.S. responder and spent time overseas with NATO as an Advisor for Civil Emergency Preparedness. During this era of my life, I led teams worldwide, responding to some of history's most significant disasters.

 From the aftermath of terrorist attacks to hurricanes, earthquakes and wildfires, I deployed to hundreds of major catastrophes. I also managed national incidents and international emergencies with the Coast Guard, Secret Service, Centers for Disease Control and Department of State.

“We had many difficult, heartbreaking days after our flood. Our recovery took years. Ed Conley stuck with us until the end. He never gave up. He believed in us. Ed’s faith in our fortitude to overcome adversity helped carry us through our darkest moments. I’ll never forget what he did for us.”

— Patricia “Pat” Owens, Mayor of Grand Forks, ND, 1996-2000

“I've dealt with the chaos and uncertainty that emergencies bring and cultivated a unique perspective on crisis leadership. I share this perspective as a bestselling author, speaker, and crisis leadership coach.”

Now I’ve turned my experiences and on-scene observations into leadership principles based on real-world events. Through my writing and speaking presentations, I share   lessons and stories to guide emergency management newcomers and seasoned experts on becoming crisis leaders when disaster strikes.

I believe leadership potential exists within everyone, at every level, especially during  disaster operations. I believe this because I’ve seen underestimated and overlooked individuals emerge as impactful leaders over and over again. 

But the key is learning how to tap into that potential. And to do so in a way that empowers you to help others and excel in your career. That’s where I come in.

“I share leadership principles that work in any situation.”

I understand your unique challenges in the pressure cooker. And let’s be honest, there’s no how-to manual that'll steer you step-by-step through every conceivable scenario you’ll face during crises. I’m not here to offer unrealistic promises. I haven’t found a magic solution so you’ll make perfect decisions during every disaster. Crisis leadership is and always will be a tough job, unbelievably rewarding, but tough. 

But what I can offer is leadership principles that work in any situation. My goal is to equip you with guiding principles and actionable insights. And I explain  how to use core values to show up, step up, be decisive, and make a positive difference when it counts the most. 

Readers are saying

Ed’s chapters on how to be a leader by showing up and caring and his description of his rule of three alone are worth ten times what I paid for the book.

Ed provides so many superb tips and such sage advice that I found myself reading a chapter every few days to savor, reflect, and try to apply it to my own life. Ed’s honesty is refreshing “simply calling it how he sees it” no mincing words. Ed spent his entire life helping others in terrible circumstances and now he helps us all one more time with this poignant reflection on his amazing career.
A must-read!!

We can learn many lessons from the words on these pages about how to keep your above water when chaos and uncertainty surround you. Vital lessons in leadership, perseverance, and empathy.


  • Pioneered development of the External Affairs concept, a comprehensive interagency organizational structure adopted by the U.S. for managing emergency information, disaster communications, alerts, and notifications. 

  • Oversaw U.S. strategic communications as a White House-appointed Incident External Affairs Officer during Presidentially Declared Disasters.

  • Led teams in response to the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks, the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, the Ebola Response, Hurricanes Katrina and Andrew, Superstorm Sandy and the 1997 Grand Forks Flood.

  • Served as a U.S. Liaison Representative for Emergency Management at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 2008 – 2012.  

  • Taught  Disaster Response, Leadership, Emergency Management, Disaster Communications. 

    • U.S. Center for Homeland Defense and Security/Naval Postgraduate School 

    • U.S. Center for Domestic Preparedness 

    • U.S. Defense Nuclear Weapons School

    • U.S. National Emergency Training Center and Emergency Management Institute

    • NATO Headquarters (Belgium)

Special Assignments: 

  • U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Secret Service, U.S.Department of State, U.S. Centers for Disease Control, U.S. Forest Service.

  • National Special Security Events, Presidential Inaugurations, Olympic Games, G8 Summits, Papal Visits. 

Career Certifications:

  • Top Secret/SCI Clearance

  • Federal External Affairs Officer Type One for Catastrophic National Emergencies.

Published Work:

  • Promote the Dog Sitter: And Other Principles for Leading During Disasters

  • COVID-19 Plus the Big One: Preparing for a Disaster Double Punch

  • Americans Are Saying Trust Us With The Truth: Are We Listening?

  • At Home in the Woods: Lessons Learned in the Wildland/Urban Interface

  • Guide to Disaster Reception Centers: A Standard Operating Procedure

  • Leveraging, Creativity, and Technical Assistance: Tapping into Federal Assistance during Non-Stafford Act Incidents

  • Journeys: North Dakota’s Trail Towards Disaster Resistance

  • Telling the Tale of Disaster Resistance 

Documentary Productions:

  • Search and Rescue Photo/Video New York City, 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

  • A Long Way From Anywhere: Disaster Response in the Western Pacific

  • A Long Way From Home: Disaster Assignment in the Western Pacific

  • The Forgotten Hurricane: The Federal Response to Hurricane Isabel

  • Emergency Management in Indian Country

  • Meet The Montana Indian Firefighters

  • Grab Me a Hammer and Nails: Project Impact Perspectives


  • FEMA Exemplary Emergency Manager (Ebola Outbreak)

  • FEMA Outstanding Survivor Service Award (Oglala Sioux Tribe Emergency Housing Mission)

  • U.S. Department of State Superior Group Award (2010 Haiti Earthquake)

  • U.S. Coast Guard Commandant Public Service Commendation (Operation Deepwater Horizon)

  • FEMA Director’s Award  

  • US Forest Service Partnership Award 

  • Mayor of Grand Forks, ND Proclamation, “Ed Conley Day” 

  • 2023 Global Book Awards Bronze Medal (Promote the Dog Sitter)